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KALAMAZOO (WKZO) — It’s the latest effort to try and salvage four largely vacant, historic buildings in the heart of downtown Kalamazoo.
They will not only restore the facades to the way they looked over 120 years ago, but upgrade the interiors to thoroughly modern standards for commercial and residential use.
Metropolitan Center is a model at the state and national level for sustainable redevelopment of historic structures. The project will be innovative in its approach to energy efficiency, and will seek LEED® Certification, potentially at the Platinum level – the highest level offered by the United States Green Building Council (hyperlink to USGBC). Green design elements will include Geothermal heating and cooling, a living green roof (hyper link to Terra Roof) and Electric Vehicle Charging stations, among others. The project has been chosen by Consumers Energy as one of 10 pilot projects in the nation that will be used as a model for energy efficient redevelopment of historic urban structures.
Metropolitan Center returns to its historic splendor – with all the modern amenities.